1. Needs Analysis: We begin by conducting a thorough analysis of our clients’ specific recruitment needs, understanding their industry, company culture, and position requirements. This allows us to develop a deep understanding of our clients’ expectations and enables us to tailor our search to find the perfect fit.
  2. Strategic Sourcing: Leveraging our extensive network, industry connections, and cutting-edge recruitment tools, we employ a strategic sourcing approach to identify a diverse pool of high-quality candidates. This includes utilizing social media platforms, job boards, and targeted advertising to attract top talent from various industries.
  3. Screening and Assessment: To ensure the candidates we present align with our clients’ requirements, we employ rigorous screening and assessment techniques. This includes conducting in-depth interviews, comprehensive reference checks, and skill evaluations to validate qualifications, experience, and cultural fit.
  4. Candidate Presentation: Once we have identified a shortlist of exceptional candidates, we prepare detailed candidate profiles highlighting their relevant skills, experience, and potential contributions to our clients’ organizations. We present these profiles along with our professional recommendations to facilitate informed decision-making.
  5. Facilitating Interviews: We actively coordinate and schedule interviews between our clients and the shortlisted candidates, ensuring a smooth and efficient process. Additionally, we provide guidance and support to both parties to maximize the interview experience and promote effective communication.
  6. Negotiation and Offer Management: When the ideal candidate has been identified, we assist in the negotiation process, managing salary discussions, benefits, and contractual agreements. Our goal is to facilitate a mutually beneficial offer that satisfies both the candidate and our client.
  7. Onboarding and Follow-up: After an offer has been accepted, we continue to provide support throughout the onboarding process, ensuring a seamless transition for the new hire. We maintain open lines of communication to address any concerns or questions that may arise and conduct follow-ups to ensure the successful integration of the new employee into the organization.

Some of our Clients


Welcome 7 Quality LLC, a leading HR consultancy company dedicated to helping organizations achieve their full potential. We understand that finding and retaining top talent is essential to a company’s success, and our team of experts is here to help you do just that.

In addition to our recruitment services, we also offer training and development programs to help your employees reach their full potential. Our programs are tailored to your organization’s specific needs and are designed to improve productivity, employee engagement, and overall performance. We also provide workshops on a variety of topics such as leadership, time management, and communication skills.

Finally, our HR consultancy services are designed to help you create an effective and efficient HR department. We provide a wide range of services, including compliance and legal advice, employee relations, and performance management. Our team of experts can also help you create and implement policies and procedures that will help your company run more smoothly and effectively.

At 7Quality, we are dedicated to helping organizations achieve their full potential.

7 Quality

Areas of Expertise​

Talent Management
We provide a range of services to help businesses attract, retain, and manage top talent. From recruitment and onboarding to performance management and career development, we’ll work with you to create a strategy that fits your business.

Employee Relations
We help businesses navigate the complex world of employee relations, from handling disputes and complaints to creating a positive and inclusive workplace culture.

Performance Management
Our team can help you create a culture of accountability and performance by developing a performance management system that aligns with your business goals, and by providing your managers with the tools and skills they need to effectively manage and motivate their team.

Training and Development
We understand that investing in your employees is key to keeping them engaged and motivated. That’s why we offer a range of training and development services, including leadership development, team building, and soft skills training.

Free HR Audit

We understand that every business is unique and has its own set of HR needs. That’s why we offer a complimentary HR Audit for businesses that want to identify their HR needs and areas for improvement.
Our audit includes a thorough review of your current HR processes and policies, including recruitment, employee retention, compliance, and performance management. After the audit, our team will provide you with a comprehensive report that includes recommendations for improvement, best practices, and a plan of action.
With this audit, you will be able to identify potential risks, inefficiencies, and opportunities for improvement, which will allow you to make more informed decisions when it comes to managing your human resources.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to get a clear understanding of your HR needs and take the first step towards a more productive and profitable business. Contact us today to schedule your free HR Audit.

With our expertise in these areas, we can help your business create a culture of engagement, retention and performance, which will lead to a more productive and profitable business. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help your business succeed



Gulf Region



Skilled Employees










30+ Years of Specialized HR Excellence in the Gulf and UAE

Tailored Talent Acquisition for the Gulf and UAE markets 

Comprehensive HR Solutions from onboarding to talent development 

Local Expertise, Global Impact with offices in key countries worldwide, including UAE, Egypt, USA, UK, Jordan, and Tunisia.

Specializing in diverse industries: Hospitality, Technology, Healthcare, Finance, Manufacturing.

Access to a wide pool of qualified candidates through various channels.

Personalized recruitment tailored to clients’ needs.

Customized training programs to enhance productivity and performance.

Specialized Services

Expertise and Partnerships:

Strong partnerships with leading education and HR software solution providers, driving innovative solutions for clients.

Diverse team with comprehensive HR expertise.

Objective assessment and recommendations for HR process improvement.

Access to the latest HR technology and education software solutions.

Thorough process from consultation to onboarding, including pre-screening and interview support.

HR administration support to free up client resources.

Comprehensive HR Support

Our journey began with a simple belief that there’s more to human potential than what meets the eye. We believe that every individual is a complex and multifaceted entity, with a potential that starts from the very early stages of their life. We understand that managing and optimizing human performance is a delicate and nuanced task and requires a professional approach to bring all the pieces together.

Driven by these core values, we’ve partnered with experts in every relevant field to create a joint venture 7Quality company, that is dedicated to enhancing human capital and organizational efficiency. Our mission is to source and recruit the most suitable talent for our clients, while building long-lasting relationships based on trust, transparency, and mutual respect.

Our Commitment

We are committed for delivering quality services to impact:

  • Cost-effective: We will help you save money by providing expert advice and support on a wide range of HR issues.
  • Experience and expertise: We have the experience and expertise to help you navigate the complexities of human resources and provide you with best practices and solutions that are tailored to your specific needs.
  • Employee relations: We will help you navigate complex employee relations issues, such as performance management, disciplinary action, and terminations, and provide you with guidance on how to best handle these situations.
  • Time saving: We will take on the burden of HR administration and free up your time to focus on your business’s core operations.
  • Objectivity: Will provide an objective perspective on your company’s HR practices, and identify areas that need improvement.
  • Access to the latest technology: We have has access to the latest HR technology and tools that can help streamline your HR processes, making them more efficient and effective.

7 Quality: Delivering Quality at Every Step

At 7 Quality, we’re more than just a recruitment agency – we’re your partner in building high-performing teams. We believe in the power of a seven-fold approach to quality, ensuring a seamless and successful hiring experience for both employers and job seekers.

  • 1. Quality Understanding: We begin by thoroughly understanding your specific needs and the ideal candidate profile.
  • 2. Quality Sourcing: We leverage our extensive network to identify top talent aligned with your requirements.
  • 3. Quality Screening: Our rigorous screening process ensures only the most qualified candidates reach your desk.
  • 4. Quality Matching: We go beyond resumes, focusing on finding the perfect cultural fit for your team.
  • 5. Quality Communication: We keep you informed throughout the process, ensuring transparency and collaboration.
  • 6. Quality Experience: We strive to create a smooth and positive recruitment experience for both candidates and employers.
  • 7. Quality Fit: Our ultimate goal is to deliver a perfect match that sets you and the chosen candidate up for success.

Our team boasts over 100 years of combined experience, diverse HR backgrounds, and a wide regional presence across various industries and is including strong allegiances in India, Philippines, Egypt, Tunisia, Jordan, Lebanon, and Pakistan. We continue to expand our network of partnerships to further enhance recruitment efforts and deliver quick, effective, and high-quality results.

Through strategic collaborations, 7Quality has leveraged the expertise of leading solution integrators, manufacturers, and enterprise software companies. These partnerships have significantly enhanced our recruitment process and HR management capabilities, enabling innovative approaches to identifying unique traits and competencies. Our alliances bring holistic approaches to organizational architecture, utilizing technology and market insights. With over 30 years of experience, 7Quality provides high-quality training and recruitment solutions, delivering sensible HR strategies and conducting performance evaluations. The combined strengths of these partnerships have resulted in tailored and effective solutions, driving positive results for clients in various industries.

About 7 Quality LLC

Efficiency in Recruitment and HR Consultancies

Who we are

At 7Quality, our expertise is the result of a strategic partnership between CivilSoft, 7Quality, and Kitmeer, combining decades of experience and innovation.

At the heart of 7Quality’s success lies a shared commitment to the human element, uniting CivilSoft, 7Quality, and Kitmeer. While CivilSoft champions technology to enhance organizational alignment, it’s the human touch that ensures adaptability in a swiftly evolving business landscape.

Similarly, Kitmeer’s journey, from virtual reality development to global expansion, underscores its dedication to human-centric solutions.

Together, these companies blend technological innovation with a deep understanding of human needs, delivering solutions that empower organizations and individuals alike.

Efficiency in Recruitment and HR Consultancies

Our services

At “7quality” – Learning and Development, we specialize in a variety of areas that are essential for the growth and development of any workforce. Our areas of expertise include:

Employee Development

We provide a wide range of training programs that help employees to develop the skills and knowledge they need to be more productive and effective in their roles.

Team Building

We understand that effective teams are essential to achieving business goals. That’s why we offer a variety of team building programs and services that help teams to work together more effectively and efficiently.

Technical Training

We provide training programs that help employees to develop the technical skills they need to do their jobs more effectively. These include IT skills, software skills, and industry-specific technical training.

Soft Skills Training

We understand that soft skills such as communication, problem-solving, and time management are essential for success in any role. That’s why we offer a variety of programs and services that help employees to develop these skills.

E-Learning Solutions

We understand that today’s workforce is more mobile and dispersed than ever before. That’s why we offer a range of e-learning solutions that allow employees to access training and development opportunities from anywhere, at any time.

With our expertise in these areas, we can help your business develop and empower your workforce and achieve your business goals.
Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help your business succeed.