Mystery Shopping – The Moment© Way

Our main  objective is to give your Company management an accurate reflection of the average customer’s feelings  and impressions of the your product, rather than merely a score for meeting service standards.

We believe in capturing those moments when the customer is extremely happy and impressed with the your facilities and services, and likewise analyzing those possible negative moments when the customer is unhappy or frustrated. The trend of those moments and their recurrence gives valuable insight into what should be done to improve, which core competencies to address, and which positive actions to be reinforced.

Our ultimate goal is to place your company on each of your customers’ favourite list of places to ensure they would come back again, as well as recommend you to others.

The company’s strength in this field is a result of its specialization in Service management and hospitality solutions based on over 25 years of professional experience of its founder in hospitality industry and human resources covering training & development, ISO certification, Quality, recruitment, Five stars hotels openings in the M.E. and the Gulf, as well as a very strong passion for and belief in customer service.

Most of the undercover customers we employ have a background in hospitality or customer service, and are very carefully selected, assessed and trained to provide accurate quality reports.

As agreed, we will prepare different scenarios to test your staff’s flexibility and resilience in terms of satisfying customers’ needs. Just meeting standard customer’s expectations is not sufficient anymore in customer retention and gaining new customers.

Our Executive summary report at the end of each visit will clearly indicate to the Management the company’s points of strength as well as weakness, if any, from the customer’s perspective. It will suggest practical solutions and give you recommendations to improve customer satisfaction and exceed their expectations.

Going forward, we will compare results with previous visits and give you a progress indicator for areas that were highlighted where there is room for improvement and excelling. Upon request, major competitor/s can be checked on your behalf to benchmark against your company performance.

At this stage it is important to acknowledge the value of the research as a tracking exercise over time which enables the company management to reflect upon the repeated measures and determine the extent of change occurring (improvement or deterioration) and take the necessary corrective action to resolve difficulties and enhance employees’ performance on services delivery.

  • Research objectives:

Customer matrix research is widely recognized as a valuable tool that fills in a gap of information between operations and marketing. It provides invaluable in depth evaluation and assessment of your team’s performance and their resilience in responding to customers’ ever changing and demanding needs.

The feedback you receive from the reports will help you improve customer retention and capitalize on sales leads and opportunities which would eventually have a positive impact on revenues and your company’s brand image

  • Areas of Investigation:

Audio/ digital images will be done (subject to your approval) whenever feasible to protect anonymity. Soft copies can be arranged for the purpose of validation and future training.

Mystery shopping is the perfect tool to take snap shots of the employees’ level of performance on a periodic basis. 7 Quality conducts these researches in an intuitive way. The research is based on measuring guest emotional experience rather than tracing simple observations on standards.

Example: While the researcher (mystery shopper) will pick up that an employee had a dirty name tag, he will more important  describe its impact on him and his experience.

The results will all confirm one of three possibilities about the overall guest emotional experience:

1. Below average experience:

The guest has experience more than acceptable “Moments” of frustration and has subconsciously decided that he will never come back to this place

2. Average experience

The guest was never impressed to the extreme that he would book mark this place as being his favorite for the next possible repeat visit, or recommendation to others.

3. Positive Experience

This guest is willing to come again consciously and will also recommend to others too. His experience and level of service has exceeded his expectations.