Public Training

These are open to participants from any organization. These participants have the opportunity to concentrate on their learning away from the job and without the pressures of day-to-day work. Participants also benefit from sharing experiences with people from other organizations and gain a new perspective on common problems.

7Quality™  offers following programs on Public Training basis. Please contact us to advise which program you are interested in and which Quarter of the year are you looking at. We will contact you back with available dates and full details, including the Price of the course.

All Training programs can be available in UAE, (Dubai, Abu Dhabi), KSA (Khubar, Jeddah and Riyad) and in Egypt (Cairo and Alexandria).

A public Training program will be confirmed at least a month ahead.


Click the “+” for each of the following Categories to see the available Programs:


[accordion_set] [accordion title=”Sales and Marketing” active=”no”]

  1. Marketing and Sales Negotiating For Results
  2. Core Negotiation Skills
  3. Overcoming Objections to Nail the Sale
  4. Prospecting For Leads Like a Pro
  5. Selling Smarter
  6. Telemarketing: Using the Telephone as a Sales Tool

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[accordion title=”Customer Service” active=”no”]

  1. Call Center Training CRM:
  2. An Introduction to Customer Relationship Management
  3. Managing Customer Service
  4. Critical Elements of Customer Service

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[accordion title=”Management and Leadership” active=”no”]

  1. Change and How to Deal with It
  2. Coaching: A Leadership Skill
  3. Critical Thinking
  4. The Art of Delegating Effectively
  5. Diversity Training: Celebrating Diversity in the Workplace
  6. Effective Planning & Scheduling
  7. Emotional Intelligence
  8. Facilitation Skills
  9. Leadership Skills for Supervisors
  10. Lean Process Improvement
  11. Meeting Management: The Art of Making Meetings Work
  12. Motivation Training: Motivating Your Workforce
  13. Problem Solving & Decision Making
  14. Presentation Survival School
  15. Public Speaking: Speaking Under Pressure
  16. Risk Management
  17. Safety in the Workplace
  18. Secretes of Change Management: A One Day Primer
  19. Stress Management
  20. Team Building Developing High Performance Teams
  21. Building Better Teams
  22. The ABC’s for Supervising Others
  23. The Professional Supervisor
  24. Time Management: Get Organized for Peak Performance
  25. Tough Topics: Talking to Employees about Personal Hygiene
  26. Workplace Violence

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[/accordion] [accordion title=”Human Resources and Training” active=”no”]

  1. Hiring for Success: Behavioral Interviewing Techniques
  2. Advanced Skills for the Practical Trainer
  3. Conflict Resolution: A One Day Primer
  4. Creating a Dynamite Job Portfolio
  5. Developing Your Training Program
  6. Employee Accountability
  7. Employee Dispute Resolution: Mediation through Peer Review
  8. Human Resources Training: HR For the Non HR Manager
  9. Mastering the Interview
  10. Business Succession Planning
  11. Orientation Handbook: Getting Employees Off to a Good Start
  12. Performance Management: Managing Employee Performance
  13. Survival Skills for the New Trainer
  14. Creating a Top-Notch Talent Management Program
  15. The Practical Trainer Train-the-Trainers- Inspire, Motivate, and Educate
  16. Using Activities to Make Training Fun
  17. Workplace Harassment

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[/accordion] [accordion title=”Administrative Skills” active=”no”]

  1. Business Ethics for the Office
  2. Building Relationships for success in Sales
  3. Dynamite Sales Presentations

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[/accordion] [accordion title=”Self Development” active=”no”]

  1. Building Your Self Esteem and Assertiveness Skills
  2. Conflict Resolution: Getting Along in the Workplace
  3. Working Smarter
  4. Controlling anger Before It Controls You
  5. Getting Stuff Done: Personal Development Boot Camp
  6. Speak Easy Conquering Your Fear of Speaking in Public
  7. Stress Relief and Stress Reduction

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[/accordion] [accordion title=”Business Writing” active=”no”]

  1. Advanced Writing Skills
  2. Business Writing that Works
  3. Writing Reports and Proposals

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[/accordion] [accordion title=”Finance and Accounting” active=”no”]

  1. Inventory Management: the Nuts & Bolts

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[/accordion] [accordion title=”Project Management” active=”no”]

  1. Current Project Management
  2. Techniques to Increase Effectiveness
  3. Understanding Project Management
  4. Project Management Fundamentals
  5. Intermediate Project Management
  6. Advance Project Management

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[/accordion] [/accordion_set]